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York YMCA Turkey Trot 5K

Thu November 28 - Sun December 1 York, PA 17401 US Directions

Results for York ymca swimming

5K Run/Walk Friends Teams
Place: 2
Clock Time:

Member Results

Team Pos Place Score Name Bib Time Pace
1 15 15 Charlie Brown 278 16:52.0 5:26
2 49 49 Sean Diehl 281 18:43.9 6:03
3 51 51 Jackson Durgee 1984 18:49.6 6:04
4 172 172 E. Baikauskas 2216 21:54.5 7:04
5 190 190 Allen Wu 641 22:14.0 7:10
6 529 529 R. Durgee 1985 25:56.9 8:22
7 606 606 Lily Bohannon 3860 26:38.8 8:36
8 611 611 Zoƫ Welsh 756 26:41.5 8:37
9 618 618 Alexa Ducharme 692 26:46.1 8:38
10 849 849 Connor Shives 655 28:44.5 9:16
11 943 943 C. Shives 656 29:28.5 9:30
12 1,097 1,097 D. Wu 640 30:37.9 9:53
13 1,144 1,144 Piper Klinedinst 767 31:03.1 10:01
14 1,145 1,145 Zoe Hill 765 31:03.1 10:01
15 1,274 1,274 A. Cario 683 32:10.7 10:23
16 1,316 1,316 Ava Ducharme 693 32:27.0 10:28
17 1,318 1,318 Chloe Shives 657 32:27.9 10:28
18 1,319 1,319 Grace Brown 766 32:28.1 10:28
19 1,731 1,731 A. Baikauskas 2215 35:42.9 11:31
20 1,738 1,738 S. Baikauskas 2217 35:48.4 11:33
21 1,742 1,742 John Baikauskas 2218 35:51.0 11:34
22 1,744 1,744 Jocelyne Gresock 2219 35:51.1 11:34
23 2,226 2,226 Sarah Giesselbach 1820 42:35.8 13:44
24 2,313 2,313 Joleen Hill 763 44:12.1 14:16
25 2,522 2,522 Maxwell Beck 1136 48:21.9 15:36
26 2,524 2,524 Jacquelyn Beck 1135 48:23.2 15:37

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